Real Doctors—Proven Results

Welcome to the Dallas Medical Weight Loss Program. Dr. Riley is the only physician in the state of Texas to offer this weight loss program. Let's get started today!

High blood pressure, high cholesterol, high sugar levels (type 2 diabetes), poor digestion, poor mobility, joint pain, self-esteem or behavioral issues. Associated medications are frequently also reduced or eliminated.

At CornerStoneMD, Dr. Riley and her medical weight loss team are ready and qualified to help you right now. They will be happy to help you learn more or get started with a personalized weight loss plan.

The medical weight loss program is administered by the most knowledgeable weight loss physicians and providers in the country.

As a result, weight loss is rapid, healthy and safe.

In addition to promoting weight loss, the program is proven to help men, women, and adolescents—reduce or reverse medical conditions often caused by excess weight such as:

If you’ve ever sought answers to the following questions, then you are not alone.

Why do most of us fail to lose weight and keep it off despite following all the “rules” of weight loss?

What is the relationship between weight loss and health? Why is it so important to lose weight safely?

Why do one-size-fits-all weight loss diets fail?

Get real weight loss results with a real weight loss physician.

In June of 2013, the American Medical Association (AMA) declared that obesity is a disease that requires the care of a doctor to help overweight individuals lose weight.

The heavily-­advertised national weight loss companies are not equipped, qualified, or trained to provide the level of attention necessary to achieve vibrant health because they take a one-­size-fits-all approach. But your body is not a one­-size-­fits­-all system.

Complex health issues like obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and inflammation are not one size ­fits all challenges.

"So, what will happen when you come to my office?

You will feel welcomed.

Whether you’re a man, or a woman, or an adolescent whose goal is to lose anywhere from 10 to over 100 pounds, you will feel comfortable.

And you will feel no pressure.

Most importantly, you will meet with a highly capable team who will provide the personal support and education proven to help you lose weight rapidly, healthfully, and safely and help you maintain your healthy weight—once and for all.

Come see us. Schedule your Free No-obligation Consultation. You’ll be glad you did."

—Dr. Riley

Carolyn Ross Riley, MD

Schedule a FREE No-obligation Consultation in Dallas Today

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This program is a comprehensive system that works with, not against, your body.

We've seen it all. We understand your struggle. Like you, we know that weight loss is not just about the food.

Your body has its own unique metabolic pattern. Real, lasting weight loss is about unlocking the power of your body’s mental and physical health to increase energy, shed body fat, and feel good.
The only way to lose weight and keep it off is to use a personalized program tailored to your unique body chemistry, lifestyle, and goals.
Healthy weight loss happens in the real world with real obstacles, and we’re here to help you transform those challenges into weight loss results.
Isn’t it time that you put your weight in the hands of trained weight loss physicians? Ready to take the next step?

How the Weight Loss Program works

This is a physician ­supervised program used by those who want to shed body fat safely, improve health, increase energy, reclaim confidence, and feel great.

Join the program and lose up to 50 pounds in 90 days — rapidly, healthfully, and safely.

First, come meet with us. Call now and schedule your free consultation.

During your consultation, you’ll meet your medical team in a comfortable office setting and connect with Dr. Riley who will prioritize your health, not just your weight loss.

The doctors will ask you questions about your medical history, weight loss goals, and lifestyle. At the same time, they will answer all of your questions.

If at the end of your free consultation it is determined that you’re eligible and you decide to get started, you may enroll and schedule your first visit. This may or may not be the same day as your free consultation. There is no pressure. The medical team works with your schedule, on your timeline.

Schedule a FREE No-obligation Consultation in Dallas Today

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